5 Best Ways to Clean Out Your Closet

home organisation and improvment

Cleaning out your closet is an essential step in home organization and improvement. By decluttering and organizing your wardrobe, you can maximize your space and create a more efficient and visually appealing closet. Implementing the following 5 best ways to clean out your closet listed in this article will help you declutter your closet effectively.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color coordinate your closet to easily find items and create a visually pleasing arrangement.
  • Identify your personal style and create a vision board to guide your cleanout process.
  • Separate your most worn items for easy access and a clear picture of your core personal style.
  • Create four piles – keep, donate, sell, and maybe – to sort your clothes effectively.
  • Limit your jeans to three essential pairs to simplify your wardrobe and create versatile outfits.

1. Color Coordinate Your Closet for Easy Organization

Color-coordinating your closet is a practical and visually appealing method for organizing your clothes. By grouping similar colors together, you can easily locate specific items and create a harmonious arrangement. This technique not only streamlines your morning routine but also helps you identify any gaps or imbalances in your wardrobe. When color-coordinating your closet, consider using color-coordinated hangers or dividers to further enhance the organization.

Benefits of Color Coordinating Your Closet

Color coordinating your closet offers several advantages:

  • Ease of Finding Items: By grouping similar colors together, you can quickly locate specific items, saving time and reducing frustration when getting dressed.
  • Visual Appeal: A color-coordinated closet creates a visually pleasing and organized space, making it a joy to open your closet doors each day.
  • Identifying Wardrobe Gaps: When color coordinating, you’ll easily notice if your wardrobe lacks variety in certain colors, allowing you to make strategic shopping decisions to fill those gaps.

Implementing Color Coordination in Your Closet

To effectively color coordinate your closet, follow these steps:

  1. Sort by Color: Begin by sorting your clothes by color. Group similar colors together, such as all-black items, all-blue items, etc.
  2. Arrange by Hue: Within each color group, arrange the items by hue or shade, creating a visually pleasing gradient effect in your closet.
  3. Consider Patterns and Prints: For patterned or printed items, place them in the color category that dominates the design or the background color.
  4. Separate Non-Clothing Items: If your closet contains non-clothing items like bags or accessories, designate a separate section for them, organized by color as well.

To demonstrate the color coordinating process, see the table below:

Color Category Examples
Black Black dresses, black pants, black tops, black skirts
White White blouses, white shirts, white jeans, white skirts
Blue Blue jeans, blue dresses, blue sweaters, blue tops
Red Red tops, red skirts, red dresses, red jackets
Neutral Gray pants, beige blouses, tan jackets, brown skirts

2. Identify Your Style and Create a Vision Board

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Before embarking on your closet cleanout journey, it’s crucial to identify your style and create a vision board. This process will help you define the look and feel you want to achieve with your wardrobe. By taking the time to visually map out your style preferences, you’ll have a clear guide to reference during the cleanout, ensuring that you only keep items that align with your desired aesthetic.

One effective way to create a vision board is by utilizing platforms like Pinterest for inspiration. Search for fashion-related keywords such as “closet cleanout,” “personal style,” and “wardrobe adjustment” to discover a plethora of pins that resonate with your fashion sensibilities. You should pin images that capture your attention and reflect your ideal wardrobe onto your virtual style board. This will serve as a source of inspiration and a visual representation of your desired style throughout the cleanout process.

Referencing your vision board while decluttering will help you make more informed decisions about what to keep and what to let go of.

Benefits of Creating a Vision Board for Your Closet Cleanout

  • Provides clarity and direction during the cleanout process.
  • Helps you stay focused on your personal style goals.
  • Serves as a source of inspiration when styling outfits.
  • Enables you to make intentional decisions about your wardrobe.
  • Allows you to visualize your ideal wardrobe and work towards achieving it.

5 Best Ways to Clean Out Your Closet - Pinterest Inspiration

3. Separate the Most Worn Items for Easy Access

When it comes to decluttering your closet, an effective strategy to streamline your wardrobe is to separate the items you wear most frequently from the rest. By singling out these frequently worn clothes, you gain a clear understanding of the colors, patterns, and styles that form the core of your personal style. This step allows you to identify and eliminate items that no longer align with your everyday wardrobe choices, creating a more cohesive and organized closet.

Separating your most worn items not only declutters your space but also makes getting dressed each day a breeze. By having easy access to your go-to pieces, you can save valuable time and energy in the morning rush. No more digging through piles of clothes or searching for that favorite shirt that always seems to elude you.

Organizing your closet based on frequency of wear also helps you identify any gaps or duplications in your wardrobe. Perhaps you notice that you have multiple black blazers but barely any colored tops. This awareness allows you to make intentional choices when shopping for new pieces and ensures that you invest in items that complement your existing collection.

To implement this strategy, designate a separate section or rack in your closet for your frequently worn clothes. This could be a specific hanger color, a labeled shelf, or a designated drawer. The key is to create a visually distinct area that sets these items apart from the rest. This way, you can easily identify and grab them when needed.

wardrobe cleanout

Benefits of Separating the Most Worn Items:

  • Saves time in the morning by easily locating favorite pieces
  • Identifies core colors, patterns, and styles that define your personal style
  • Eliminates items that no longer align with your everyday wardrobe choices
  • Highlights gaps or duplications in your wardrobe for intentional shopping
  • Creates a visually distinct area for frequently worn clothes

4. Create Four Piles for Sorting Your Clothes

When embarking on a closet cleanout, it’s crucial to establish a systematic approach for sorting through your clothes. Instead of simply dividing items into keep and toss piles, we recommend creating four distinct piles: keep, donate, sell, and maybe. This method ensures a more comprehensive evaluation of your wardrobe and facilitates informed decision-making.

RelatedLearn the KonMari Method of How to Organize Folded Clothes in the Closet

The four piles for sorting clothes:

  1. Keep: This pile is dedicated to clothes that you genuinely love and regularly wear. Consider the pieces that make you feel confident, suit your personal style, and are in good condition.
  2. Donate: Clothes in good condition that no longer serve you can find a new purpose by being donated. They may not align with your current style or fit well, but someone else could benefit from them.
  3. Sell: If you have clothes that are in excellent condition but no longer serve your needs, consider giving them a second life by selling or consigning them. This way, you can recoup some of your investment while promoting sustainable fashion.
  4. Maybe: Some items may leave you in a state of uncertainty. In such cases, create a “maybe” pile, and revisit it later in the cleanout process. This allows you to evaluate items with greater discernment, enabling better decision-making.

Implementing these four piles creates a structured and organized system for evaluating and categorizing your clothes during decluttering. It ensures that you make informed choices about what to keep, donate, sell, or reconsider.

closet cleanout

5. Limit Your Jeans to a few Essential Pairs

In our quest for a streamlined and simplified wardrobe, one area that often needs attention is our collection of jeans. It’s all too easy to accumulate multiple pairs, each serving a slightly different purpose or style. However, when it comes to closet cleanout and wardrobe simplification, less is more. By limiting the number of jeans we own to just a few essential pairs, we can create a versatile capsule wardrobe that is both functional and stylish.

When selecting which jeans to keep, consider styles that flatter your body shape and align with your personal style. Aim for a well-rounded collection that includes a dark wash, a light wash, and a white pair. These three denim essentials will serve as the foundation for a variety of outfit combinations.

denim essentials

Dark-Wash Jeans

Dark-wash jeans are a timeless staple that can effortlessly transition from day to night. Whether dressing up for a night out or aiming for a polished and professional look, dark-wash jeans are a reliable choice. They add a touch of sophistication to any outfit and can be paired with blouses, sweaters, or blazers for an elevated and put-together ensemble.

Light-Wash Jeans

Light-wash jeans exude a casual and laid-back vibe, making them perfect for everyday wear. They are versatile and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Pair them with a graphic tee and sneakers for a relaxed weekend look or dress them up with a flowy blouse and heels for a brunch date with friends. Light-wash jeans offer endless possibilities for creating effortless and trendy outfits.

White Jeans

White jeans are a must-have for any wardrobe, offering a fresh and contemporary look. They are the perfect choice for spring and summer months when lighter colors are in high demand. Pair them with a colorful top or a striped blouse for a chic and preppy aesthetic. White jeans can be dressed up with heels or down with sandals, making them a versatile option for various occasions.

Ethical Ways to Dispose Unwanted Clothes

Once you have sorted through your clothes and identified the items you no longer want or need, it’s important to dispose of them in an ethical and sustainable manner. Taking steps to ensure your unwanted clothes are properly handled can contribute to sustainable fashion practices and reduce textile waste. Here are some ethical options for disposing of your unwanted garments:

1. Clothing Donation to Secondhand Stores

Consider donating gently worn, high-quality clothing to secondhand stores in your city or area. Most of these stores provide a platform for individuals to sell or consign their pre-loved items, allowing others to give them a second life. By choosing to donate rather than discard, you’re not only reducing waste but also supporting the circular fashion economy.

2. Donating to Local Charities

For items that don’t meet the standards for selling at secondhand stores, research local charities or organizations that accept used clothing donations. These organizations often distribute clothing to individuals in need or sell them at affordable prices to support their initiatives.

3. Textile Recycling

Textile recycling organizations are dedicated to repurposing fabric and textiles in any condition, preventing them from ending up in landfills. They collect items that cannot be sold or donated due to their condition and transform them into new products or materials.

Remember that before donating or recycling your clothes, it’s essential to ensure they are clean and in good condition. This helps maximize their potential for reuse or recycling and ensures they can be accepted by the organizations you choose to support.

sustainable fashion


Cleaning out your closet is a transformative process that can greatly enhance your home organization and streamline your daily routine.

By implementing the 5 strategies we have discussed – color coordinating your closet, identifying your style, separating the most worn items, creating four piles for sorting, and limiting your jeans – you can successfully declutter and optimize your wardrobe.

Remember, efficient space utilization is key to creating a well-organized closet.


Why is cleaning out your closet important for home organization and improvement?

Cleaning out your closet helps you declutter and create a more efficient and visually appealing space, maximizing your storage capacity and making it easier to find and access your belongings.

How does color-coordinating your closet help with organization?

Color coordinating your closet allows you to quickly find specific items and helps you identify gaps or imbalances in your wardrobe. It also creates a visually pleasing arrangement and can be enhanced with color-coordinated hangers or dividers.

What is the benefit of creating four piles for sorting your clothes?

Creating four piles – keep, donate, sell, and maybe – allows you to categorize your clothes effectively. The keep pile includes items you love and wear frequently, while the others are for items you no longer need but can donate, sell, or revisit later.

Why should you limit the number of jeans you own?

Limiting your jeans to a few essential pairs helps you create a versatile and practical wardrobe foundation. Choose styles that flatter your body shape and align with your style, such as a dark wash, a light wash, and a white pair.

How can you dispose of unwanted clothes ethically and sustainably?

You can donate gently worn, high-quality clothing to secondhand stores like Current Boutique, Thred Up, or The Real Real. For items that don’t meet selling standards, research local charities or textile recycling organizations that repurpose fabric and textiles in any condition.

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Craya Power

Craya Power

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Home Centrale Face

Craya Power loves to talk about home appliances and home improvements. Whether it’s a new fridge or an innovative kitchen gadget, Craya loves to provide her thoughts and opinions on the latest products to hit the market.

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