How to Hang Curtains with Hooks and Rings


Enhancing your window treatments with curtains can add style and sophistication to any room. If you’re looking for a polished and elegant look, hanging curtains with hooks and rings is the way to go. Not only does it offer a more professional finish, but it also allows for greater control over the appearance of your curtains. In this article, we’ll guide you through the simple steps of hanging curtains with hooks and rings, ensuring that you achieve the perfect window treatment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Curtains with hooks and rings can enhance the overall appearance of your window treatments.
  • Hanging curtains with rings allows for more pleats and control over curtain width.
  • You’ll need a curtain rod, curtain panels, curtain rings, straight pins, an iron, and a ruler for the project.
  • Hang your curtain rod at the desired height before adjusting the curtains.
  • Experiment with different ring placements to achieve your desired pleating and panel width.

Whether you opt for standard drapery rings, rings with clips, or C-rings for curtains, you’ll be able to create the perfect finishing touch.

Also read: How to Remove Mold from Shower Curtain

Why Consider Curtain Rings

Curtain rings play a significant role when it comes to hanging curtains with hooks and rings. They offer a range of advantages that can elevate the overall appearance and functionality of your window treatments.

One of the key benefits of curtain rings is the ability to create beautiful pleats in your curtains. By using curtain rings, you can easily achieve a more tailored and sophisticated look. The rings allow the fabric to gather together, creating elegant and defined pleats that add depth and texture to your curtains.

In addition to pleats, curtain rings also give you control over the width of your curtains on the rod. You can adjust the spacing between the rings to determine how wide or narrow your curtains hang. This flexibility allows you to create a fuller and more uniform appearance or a sleek and streamlined look, depending on your preference and the style of your space.

An advantage of hanging curtains with rings is that it eliminates the need for traditional hemming. Rather than measuring and sewing a precise hem, you can simply clip the rings onto the fabric. The rings hold the panels at the perfect length, ensuring a neat and polished finish without the hassle of hemming.

Supplies Needed

To hang curtains with hooks and rings, you will need a few supplies. These include:

Curtain Rod

A curtain rod that is already hung at your desired height. This will serve as the anchor for your curtains.

Curtain Panels

Curtain panels that reach the floor or the desired length. Choose panels that complement your interior decor and window size.

Curtain Rings

Curtain rings are an essential component for hanging curtains with hooks. It is recommended to use 1″ rings for a closer fit to the rod. These rings will hold the curtains securely and allow for smooth opening and closing.

Straight Pins or Fabric Pen

Straight pins or a fabric pen will be useful for marking the hem of the curtain panels. This will ensure that all panels are the same length and create a neat appearance.

Iron and Ironing Board

An iron and ironing board will help you create a crisp and clean fold in the curtain panels. This will enhance the overall look of the curtains and give them a professional finish.


A ruler is essential for precise measurement when hanging the curtains and marking the hem. It will help you ensure that the curtains are evenly spaced and properly aligned.

curtain rod, curtain panels, curtain rings, straight pins, iron, ruler

Having these supplies on hand will make the process of hanging curtains with hooks and rings much easier and more efficient. Now that you have gathered everything you need, it’s time to move on to the next step: hanging your curtain rod at the desired height.

Hang Your Curtain Rod Where You Want It

The first step in hanging curtains with hooks and rings is to hang your curtain rod at the desired height. This approach allows you to adjust the curtains as necessary to achieve the perfect curtain placement.

When determining the placement of your curtain rod, consider the following factors:

  • The height at which you want your curtains to hang. Depending on your preference, you may choose to hang them just above the window frame or closer to the ceiling to create an illusion of height.
  • The length and style of your curtains. Take into account any extra fabric that may pool on the floor or the appearance of the curtain panels when they are fully extended.
  • Your personal aesthetic and the overall design of the room. Some people prefer curtains that reach the floor, while others may opt for a more tailored look that hovers just above the window sill.

To ensure accurate and precise curtain placement, it may be helpful to use a measuring tape and a level. Measure the distance from the floor or window sill to the desired height and mark it with a pencil. Then, use the level to ensure the rod is perfectly straight before securing it in place.

curtain rod

The image above illustrates the proper placement of a curtain rod, emphasizing the importance of aligning it with the desired curtain placement height. 

Determining How Many Curtain Hooks to Use

When hanging curtains with hooks and rings, it’s important to determine the number of curtain hooks to use to achieve the desired look. This depends on several factors, including the width of your panel, how wide you want the panel to sit on the rod, and the tightness of the pleats you desire.

To create more pleats and a wider panel, you can use more curtain rings. Conversely, using fewer rings will result in fewer pleats and a skinnier panel. Experiment with different ring placements to find the perfect balance.

Here’s a simple guide to help you determine how many curtain hooks to use:

Panel Width Desired Panel Width on Rod Tightness of Pleats Recommended Number of Curtain Hooks
Less than 50 inches Same as the panel width Loose 6-8 hooks
50-100 inches 1.5 times the panel width Medium 10-12 hooks
More than 100 inches 2 times panel width Tight 14-16 hooks

curtain hooks

Keep in mind that these are general recommendations and can vary depending on your personal preference and the fabric weight of your curtains. Don’t be afraid to adjust the number of hooks to achieve the desired result.

With the right number of curtain hooks and careful ring placement, you can create beautiful pleats and achieve a customized look for your curtains.

Step-by-Step Guide to Hanging Curtains with Hooks and Rings

When it comes to hanging curtains with hooks and rings, following a step-by-step process is key to achieving a professional and polished look. Here is a detailed guide to help you hang your curtains with ease.

  1. Hang curtains upside down: Start by hanging your curtains upside down. This allows you to easily attach the curtain rings and clips.
  2. Place clips evenly: Once the curtains are upside down, evenly space the clips along the top of the panel. This ensures that the curtains will hang uniformly and create a neat appearance.
  3. Pin the hem: Pin the hem of the curtains at the desired length. Use straight pins or a fabric pen to mark the hem.
  4. Iron the fold in place: Remove the panel from the rod and fold the hem wrong sides together. Iron the fold in place to create a crisp and clean finish.
  5. Space and place the clips: After ironing the hem, space and place the clips on the folded hem. This ensures that the curtains will hang smoothly and securely on the rod.
  6. Hang the curtains back on the rod: Finally, hang the curtains back on the rod, making sure that the clips and rings are securely attached.

hang curtains upside down

Different Types of Curtain Rings

When it comes to hanging curtains, there are several types of curtain rings available that can enhance both the functionality and style of your window treatments. Each type of curtain ring offers distinct features and benefits. Let’s explore the different types:

Standard Drapery Rings

The most common type of curtain ring is the standard drapery ring. These rings are full-circle and feature a small metal loop at the bottom for attaching drapery pins. Standard drapery rings provide a classic and elegant look while allowing for smooth movement along the curtain rod.

Curtain Rings with Clips

If you prefer an easy and convenient option, curtain rings with clips are a great choice. These rings have alligator clips attached to the eyelet, making it simple to attach the fabric. Curtain rings with clips offer flexibility in terms of adjusting the curtain length and allow for easy removal and replacement of curtains.

C-Rings for Curtains

C-rings for curtains are specifically designed to be used in conjunction with bypass brackets. These rings have a unique C-shape that allows them to slide easily along the curtain rod. C-rings are ideal for wide windows that require additional support, ensuring smooth and effortless operation of the curtains.


Hanging curtains with hooks and rings is a simple and effective way to elevate your window treatments. Whether you prefer standard drapery rings, rings with clips, or C-rings for curtains, there are options available to suit your unique style and specific needs.

Upgrade your curtains with hooks and rings for a more elegant and stylish window treatment that will transform the ambiance of your space.


What supplies do I need to hang curtains with hooks and rings?

You will need a curtain rod, curtain panels, curtain rings, straight pins or a fabric pen, an iron and ironing board, and a ruler.

How many curtain hooks should I use?

The number of curtain hooks depends on the width of your panel, the desired pleats, and how wide you want the panel to sit on the rod. Experiment with different ring placements to achieve your desired look.

What are the different types of curtain rings?

There are standard drapery rings, curtain rings with clips, and C-rings for curtains, which are used with bypass brackets for additional support.

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Isioto Inyanam - Homecentrale

Isioto Inyanam loves to talk about home appliances and home improvements. Whether it’s a new fridge or an innovative kitchen gadget, Isioto loves to provide his thoughts and opinions on the latest products to hit the market.

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