3 best French door refrigerator for small spaces in 2023

best French door refrigerator for small spaces

French door refrigerators are widely popular due to their elegant design and advanced features. They offer a spacious interior with plenty of storage options, making them an ideal choice for large families or those who love to entertain. However, if you live in a small apartment or have limited space in your kitchen, finding the right French-door refrigerator can be challenging.

In this Homecentrale’s expert authority review, we will provide you with an in-depth guide on how to choose the best French door refrigerator for small spaces. We’ll discuss the key factors that you should consider when selecting a fridge as well as review some of our favorite models currently available on the market.

factors to consider when choosing the best French door refrigerator for small spaces


When choosing a French-door refrigerator for small spaces, size is undoubtedly one of the most important factors to consider. You want to ensure that it fits comfortably in your kitchen without taking up too much valuable floor space.

Most standard-sized French door refrigerators range from 30-36 inches wide and around 70 inches tall. If you’re looking for something smaller, there are compact models available that measure between 24-29 inches wide and under 68 inches high.

Before purchasing any model, make sure you measure your kitchen’s available space accurately. This way, you can ensure that your new fridge fits seamlessly into your existing layout while leaving enough room for other appliances and furniture.


The capacity of your fridge determines how much food and drinks it can hold at once. A larger family would need more storage than someone living alone or with just one other person.

If you’re dealing with limited space but still require ample storage capacity, look out for fridges designed specifically for small kitchens like LG LFC22770ST(https://www.lg.com/us/refrigerators/lg-LFC22770ST-french-door-refrigerator). These typically feature slim profiles but still retain sufficient space to store all your groceries.


Another crucial factor to consider is the configuration of your French-door refrigerator. This refers to how much space you have for storing different types of food and drinks.

French door refrigerators typically feature two doors that open outwards, revealing a top fridge compartment and bottom freezer drawer. Some models offer additional compartments such as adjustable shelves, crisper drawers, or an ice maker.

If you’re looking for more flexibility in terms of storage options, opt for a model with adjustable shelving or sliding bins to customize it according to your needs.

Energy Efficiency:

Energy efficiency is something that should be taken very seriously when choosing any appliance in this era where our environment is at risk due to climate change. Purchasing an energy-efficient French door refrigerator not only helps the planet but also saves money on electricity bills over time.

Look for models with ENERGY STAR certification as they are designed to consume less power while still providing optimal performance levels. These appliances use up to 30% less energy than non-certified models which could save you hundreds of dollars per year on utility costs alone.


Finally, look out for useful features when selecting a French Door Refrigerator like Ice and water dispensers, smart technology compatibility (such as Alexa), temperature control settings & LED lighting. These will make using the fridge even more convenient while adding character & style to your kitchen.

Best French Door Refrigerators For Small Spaces

1. LG LFC22770ST

The LG LFC22770ST is one of the most popular compact fridges available today! It has a slim profile making it perfect for small kitchens without compromising on capacity – its total volume measures 22 cubic feet which gives ample room inside!

This fridge features several handy compartments such as adjustable shelving, crisper drawers & a spacious freezer with an ice maker. It’s also got a smart cooling system with multi-air flow cooling to keep your food products fresh.

2. Samsung RF23M8070SR

The Samsung RF23M8070SR is another popular choice among customers looking for a compact French-door refrigerator. It has a sleek and modern design that looks great in any kitchen.

This model features 22.6 cubic feet of storage space, including adjustable shelves and sliding bins for easy customization according to your needs. It also comes equipped with an external water dispenser and an ice maker so that you can enjoy chilled drinks without having to open the fridge doors each time!

3. Whirlpool wrx735sdhz

The Whirlpool WRX735SDHZ is yet another excellent option if you’re searching for a small French-door refrigerator that doesn’t skimp on capacity!

This appliance features 24 cubic feet of total volume, including three adjustable shelves, two humidity-controlled crisper drawers & a full-width pantry drawer – perfect for storing larger items such as meat trays or pizzas! With its fingerprint-resistant steel finish, it is sure to add class & sophistication to your kitchen.


Choosing the best French door refrigerator For Small Spaces requires careful consideration of numerous factors due to limited space availability but still desiring optimal performance. We’ve covered these in detail in this article to help you make an informed decision when buying your next fridge.

When shopping, keep your kitchen’s size, capacity needs & configuration preferences in your mind. Also, look for features that enhance usability and energy efficiency like adjustable shelving or SmartThinQ compatibility!

Ultimately, we believe that LG LFC22770ST is a great choice when space is a huge factor when choosing what French door refrigerator to go for. It has a slim profile but still manages to provide ample storage space while being packed with useful features. But If you’re searching for something more luxurious yet practical Samsung RF23M8070SR could also be ideal!

Craya Power

Craya Power

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About the author

Isioto Inyanam - Homecentrale

Isioto Inyanam loves to talk about home appliances and home improvements. Whether it’s a new fridge or an innovative kitchen gadget, Isioto loves to provide his thoughts and opinions on the latest products to hit the market.

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